


Therapy Services

Life challenges affect everyone, whether you are a stay-at-home parent, working professional, or college student. Most of us are trying to manage our relationships, family, work, and self-care. These competing demands can undoubtedly be stressful. Whether you’re choosing your next career move, navigating a breakup, or deciding to have a baby, therapy can help with any change or transition you are experiencing. My clients often come to me with busy schedules, valuing the benefits of self-exploration and depth-oriented work. They know there's room for personal growth, and they seek a seasoned psychologist ready to support them.

I am currently offering individual therapy services in person and online. Please visit my Psychology Today profile for more information.

Coaching Services

I teach young adults how to develop life plans with intention. I coach students and professionals to build the life they want whether it’s choosing the right major, landing the right job, having the best friendships, having healthy relationships, or finding the career that aligns with who they are. I will help you create new paths using customized tools and strategies to help you think outside of the box and be successful with your goals. I’m a firm believer that if you design and vocalize your goals, they’re more likely to come to fruition. If you’re ready to invest in yourself and take action, I’m here to help you identify your true talents, become more productive, push through your fear, increase your happiness, and get the most out of your life personally and professionally.

Who I Offer Coaching To  

high school student COACHING

Using strategies to increase social, physical, academic, cognitive and emotional success, I educate teens on how to develop their identity, increase their confidence, and teach them how to improve their mental health. Often times, teens compare their lives to others and feel that their lives are not happy and fulfilling - I help students accurately assess what is realistic versus what is perception. Through my coaching plans, I facilitate the importance of mastering essential skills often lost in today’s culture because of increased reliance on technology at home and in school, limiting the much needed in person interaction and connection that teens need. These skills include effective communication, developing positive friendships, fostering creativity, and productivity, resulting in a healthier school life. 


Adjusting to college life can be difficult, whether it’s connecting with roommates, peers, university faculty, or job recruiters to land your first job for your career. Even more challenging is trying to figure out what’s next after you graduate from college. I tailor each coaching session to your unique personality and needs to help you develop an independent and strong self-identity so you can build productive relationships, positive friendships, and achieve personal, social, and academic success. To do so, I design personalized strategies that help you expand your networks and challenge your growth into new areas –whether it’s providing guidance on effective communication with professors, future co-workers, or developing a new business plan after graduation. 


As young adults move into the professional workforce or attend graduate school, their areas for growth and mentoring change. At this stage in life, you may be thinking about a long-term career or even starting a family. Or you may still be struggling with the stresses of academic life – trust me, as someone who went through graduate school, I know firsthand how hard it is! Through my graduate student and professional coaching, I provide strategies to help you advance your social and emotional intelligence, communication skills and leadership abilities.  As a graduate student and early career professional, I also teach skills to help you develop self-advocacy, cultural awareness, how to navigate toxic environments, and identify healthy workplaces as part of this coaching program.